الخميس، 8 مارس 2012

Hayley's Story

Hayley's Story

Throughout most of my adult life I had been very careful to try to choose organic foods as much as I could. I exercised a lot and always maintained a fairly high level of physical fitness. I bought my household products from health food stores, trying to avoid harmful chemicals whenever possible. I had been a natural health practitioner since 1995 and had helped many others achieve wellness.
Then in 2004 I was diagnosed with advanced cancer, beginining as uterine cancer and spreading throughout my organs. I was so ill, it was a massive effort just to get up and about each morning. I knew immediately that I did not want to go down the path of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, so I had to decide very quickly what I was going to do.
At that time I stopped working and spent a lot of time sleeping. I juiced, took herbal supplements, did a massive liver detox and parasite cleanse. I had acupuncture sessions weekly and saw a kinesiologist regularly. I tested myself for IgG food allergies and then eliminated those foods strictly. I got hold of some information which showed me that I stillhad a massive chemical load in existence in my home even though I thought I had removed the harmful chemicals. This I changed immediately.
I also kept a good positive atttitude and decided once and for all that I was not going to 'be' as cancer patient - I was going to 'be' well.
The amazing part to this story is that after nine weeks of this regimen the doctor could not find any trace of cancer and that is still the case today.
My quick recovery taught me a lot about the human body’s amazing ability to heal when given the right tools and the right mindset. Good nutrition and the removal of harmful substances can trigger some fantastic changes. You can read the complete story in my book ‘Finding Wellness’.
Today I enjoy educating large groups of people on what they can do to experience greater wellness in their lives and I hold regular health seminars all around Australia. To find out where these seminars are being held, join our free Newsletter on the home page. Emails are sent out monthly to let you know where and when our seminars are being held. Please Note:I do not run a clinic, nor see patients privately.

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